About Us

Elfinwild VFC: 100% Volunteer, 100% Dedicated

Since 1931, the Elfinwild Volunteer Fire Company has proudly served the residents of Shaler Township as an engine and rescue company.

We were also pioneers in emergency medical services (EMS) providing advanced life support ambulance service to the community until the charter of Shaler EMS (now, Shaler-Hampton EMS). We continue to provide emergency medical care through our Quick Response Service, providing care in our near neighborhoods for certain types of medical emergencies before the ambulance arrives.


Providing fire, rescue, and medical services, our members have a variety of trainings and qualifications.



attend the Pennsylvania State Fire Academy’s Essentials of Firefighting – Entry Level Firefighter training program, provided by the Community College of Allegheny County (CCAC) or the Allegheny County Fire Academy (ACFA). Most of our firefighters are certified to the Firefighter I or II levels, in accordance with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1001: Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications.



include Emergency Medical Responders (EMR), Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT), Paramedics, and Health Professionals, certified by the Pennsylvania Department of Health. Our EMS personnel are often first on the scene of certain serious ambulance calls in and around our district to bridge the time when we may be closer than the ambulance.


are trained in vehicle and rope rescue techniques, and work with neighboring services who can provide more specialized rescue services, such as trench and water rescue. The rescue technicians are certified by the Pennsylvania Department of Health.



training is required of all personnel each year to assure that we can respond safety to chemical emergencies, and to keep residents and motorists safe



are drill nights. We may be training at the station, the fire training center on Little Pine Creek Road, neighboring fire stations, or even in the woods.

Most trainings are from 7-10 PM, but some trainings require a bit more time.

The first Monday of the month is meeting night, when various committees, officers, and the general membership meetings are held.

Financial Information

Being Good Stewards of the Donated Dollar

About 53% of our revenue comes from donations by the community. Most of this is from the generous response to our donation mailing sent to residents in our primary response area.

Other donations from businesses and unsolicited donations are always welcome.



Thank you for your support!

About 53% of our revenue is from residents' generous response to our mailings. Unsolicited donations and donations from businesses are always welcome!

Other Revenue

Other Types of Support

Other revenue includes monies from the Township, hall rentals, and rental of roof space for telecommunications providers.


What does fire protection cost?

Our expenses include emergency equipment and supplies, maintaining the building and property, utilities, insurance, and professional fees.

IRS Form 990

The 990 is the "Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax" filed with the IRS each year.

You can view our previous years' 990s by visiting The Foundation Center's 990 Finder for Elfinwild Volunteer Fire Co.